Monday, September 19, 2011

Writers Block

I have been reading some interesting things in my “Writing Fiction” textbook. Most interesting for me is the tips on breaching the “writers block” we all seem to have.

When I was younger, I used to love to read and write. Stories flowed onto the paper. My mom kept many of these (really awful) stories for me. She even kept my rejection letter from a very kind publisher, who took the time to reply to my submission. Said manuscript was dutifully submitted on lined notebook paper, written in pencil and tied at the edges with a purple hair ribbon. 

As we age though, many of us former writers, let life suck the stories out of us. We are so busy surviving; we don’t take the time to document what is happening in our lives. Really, we just want sleep! Oh, we have some stories to tell, but rushing to work, cook dinner and raise a family leave me too exhausted to care who hears my stories. Not to mention the fact that, I have lost my ability to use adjectives. My style of communication has diminished to barking short commands that can be followed by three year olds or emotional tearful rants on how I am coming apart.

As my children get older, I have not found more time to write, but taking a class seemed a good way to get the juices going again. I have been told I can tell a good story, verbally, but do I have the ability to put my stories down on paper? (To use the term loosely, as I am on a computer). That remains to be seen.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Life as a Bag Lady

No, I was never a homeless woman pushing a shopping cart (thank you Lord Jesus!) I am talking about the compartmentalizing of my life in bags.  All kinds of bags! From a soft sided briefcase to plastic shopping bags, I am covered in carrying my life around! I have a specific bag for:

*My business (3)
*My coupons
*Girl Scout stuff (3)
*Library books
*My school books
*Bible study items
*A lunch bag

I love the recyclable store bags. They are roomy and sturdy.
I haul my bags to meetings and back, to sporting events, to work and to the car pool line. Just grab and go! It has truly made my life so much easier!

It is wonderful to have everything in one spot. Oh, the bags are scattered around my office, but still relatively contained! :-) If I have a piece of paperwork that needs to be somewhere, I find its bag and put it in. No more lost paperwork! Running to the library? No scrambling to find books, they are all waiting in their bag! 

I would highly recommend trying the bag method in your own life. You could start with a plastic grocery bag you bring home from the store. These are wonderful for throwing some lunch into or transporting stinky gym clothes coming home for a wash. Then work your way up to wonderful reusable store bag you can buy for a few cents. Get your children to use bags too! From book bags to lunch bags, you can all be organized!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/11, no healing here

As all of the buzz swarms around the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I cringe as show after show passes before my eyes on TV. Of course I remember where I was. Of course I remember how I felt, and the years have not healed that. I was the shocked mother of three young children that physically saw the second plane hit the tower. My brain struggled to assimilate what I was seeing and the refusal of said brain to accept. The panic was very real. What should I do?? What is going on? Are we at war? Is there more? Logically speaking, I felt a little comfort in the fact that I was living in the middle of the country in a city that was most likely not a tempting target for terrorist. But the horror and processing of what I had seen has still not come full circle. I have cried, I have watched, glued to my television, I did as my President said and did not change my life and did not let myself be afraid to do things.

 I have been to New York and visited Ground Zero - twice.  The first time, all I saw was a construction zone. I don’t know what I had expected. Something hushed? Hallowed? But not tons of cold concrete and a big, ugly steel construction fence.  The second time I got to visit the American Express building and here they had a lovely memorial set up to honor their colleagues that had lost their lives. It was beautiful and moving, but afterwards, we passed through a mall, up a large flight of steps, to massive windows that overlooked, yep, a construction zone. I am hoping on my next visit, with the pools done, it will show some progress and be more of a meditative healing place.

But in my heart and in my mind, not yet. I cannot say I am healed yet.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Welcome to my blog! This is a blog that is required by my English teacher for my online class, but will probably be very helpful to keep! So I am listing my current, which way is up thoughts!
Jobs: I have a lot of them! ;-)
One of my jobs is that of a student. I am currently taking 4 classes online to complete my BA with hopes of rolling right into my masters.
Another job is that of wife and mom. This is my most favorite job of all! I have three chickies, two of which are still in the nest and one that has spread her wings and flown! I am so proud of all the chicks! My husband is a hard working guy and it is a pleasure to be his wife! I am also pet mom to two adorable dogs and a very spoiled cat!
I also sell chocolate. Hey, gotta love what you do right? I am self employeed as a Chocolatier through Dove Chocolate Discoveries. Yum! It is so fun having tasting parties and meeting so many nice people!
I also have the job of being a daughter, sister and friend. I help care for my parents, as many my age are doing now. Again, it is an honor to care for these wonderful people! Dad has MS and Mom is his caregiver, my job is to make sure they are both okay! As for a sister and friend, again this is the fun part! They are so fun to be with!
Another job I have is that of a volunteer! I am active in Scouting, Caroling, fundraising and active in my chicks schools. I love being a volunteer and being a part of making things happen!
My office is a mess, my calendar is bulging and my memory is shot, but I am having a great time!