Monday, March 12, 2012


My favorite person from the Bible is Paul. For so many reasons, reading the wisdom of Paul is so inspiring to me!
  1. Paul got to meet Jesus! He was so lucky! Although Jesus put scales over Paul’s eyes (when he was Saul), it transformed his life to one of the best Apostles!
  2. Paul listened to what God had to tell him.
  3. Paul truly cared about the people he ministered to and prayed for them and fussed over them as a father would.
  4. Paul knew how to write a letter! He was so encouraging and shared so much wisdom.
  5. Paul was very humble. He appreciated what he had and he worked for what he got. He did not expect the new churches to support him, but did what he had to do to earn his living and still have time to minister to others.
  6. Even when Paul was humiliated, he was strong. He did not let beatings or imprisonments stop him from doing what he felt he needed to do, nor did he let evil people stop him from his mission of ministering.
  7. Paul was tireless! He walked and walked through deserts and towns. He got on ships over rough seas and rode the waves to get to the people that needed him.
  8. Paul made friends everywhere. For every person that persecuted Paul, God gave him someone to support him. This so helped Paul in mind, body and spirit.
  9. By documenting everything in letters, Paul has left a written word that I can read and learn from. So much of what was written can still be applied to my modern day situations!

100th Celebrations!

I have been blessed to be a part in the celebration events of two great organizations. Not just any celebration, but 100 year celebrations!
The first one was the 100th anniversary of the St. Louis Christmas Carols Association. I have been an area chairperson for over 7 years here and I was so excited to be a part of the party! They kicked off the festivities with a big party at a hotel downtown. There was an awesome dinner and lots of speeches  and caroling, of course! This organization was started 100 years ago by William Danforth and he actually was waiting for carolers to arrive when he passed away on Christmas eve so many years ago. This organization has carolers go out and collect money which is then given to various children’s charities throughout St. Louis. It has been fun to recruit carolers and to take my Girl Scouts caroling every year. It is a great way to build memories!
Speaking of Girl Scouts, that is the second organization that I have been celebrating 100 years with! It is actually the 100th birthday of the Girl Scouts this year! I have been involved with the Scouting organization for 14 years. This has been so much fun to celebrate! There have been many parties and it is so neat to learn so much of the history of the Girl Scouts and share it with my girls. What a great way to build girls morale and teach them to be in service to others!
I am honored to be involved with these organizations and am enjoying every minute of the celebrations!