Been very busy trying to finish up my school homework. Between 3 kids, a part time job, multiple volunteering at various organizations, I am way behind. I am trying to finish up my work load by May 12th. My real goal was to try to finish up before April 30th. We’ll see how it goes. It is hard to squeeze in writing these days. I have a lot on my mind, but by the time I can write it down, I have forgotten it!
I have enjoyed this creative writing class. Writing has always been a passion of mine since I was a little girl. My dad always wanted me to be a writer. I believe I have become a little too bland. I also have had all the creative juices sucked out of me by motherhood. If I can remember how to sting two sentences together , it is a miracle. The only thing that has held me back in these assignments is having to cut all my stories short and end them before I had a real chance to flush the story out.
I am also taking a film class. This has been interesting because I never have the patience to sit through a movie. This has forced me to watch some classics I have never seen either.
Going back to school when you are middle aged is hard. Taking classes that are not taught in a classroom is even harder. It has been an eye opening experience.
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