Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jobs and benefits

Where to find a job these days? I have been looking for a full time job with benefits since July. To no avail. All I have gotten is rejection letters. So, I have been at my job part time for 8 ½ years. Perhaps people are thinking that at least I have a job, so I don’t need a new one? I just don’t know. I have been offered some part time jobs, but none of them include benefits or if they do, like Schnucks, you have to work there for a year and a half before they offer benefits and at that time, depending on your schedule, you may or may not qualify for family benefits.

My husband took a job at Home Depot part time and we were very excited that it included benefits. Unfortunately, the health benefit is capped at $10,000 or $20,000 and if you have ever had a health emergency before or know someone that has; you know that this is only small potatoes compared to what you would need to be covered. I for one could not cover the other $80,000 of the bill! If I were sure I would have nothing but routine need for a year, it would be awesome. As it is, we did take the dental and vision benefits and are enjoying those now.

I have tried the lottery job, but so far the payout has not been beneficial. So, I will keep trying. So much of the job search is so impersonal now. I hate to sound like an old fogey, but how can you convey your true self, when everything is done online now?

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