Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas shopping

The day after Christmas shopping has always been my favorite, but alas the economy has stolen this fun tradition away from me. It used to be the day after Christmas was bargains galore! I would head out early, best stores mapped on my radar and cash in hand. My pre-shopping for the next year would begin. What a great way to save money. Lights, wrapping paper, cards from Hallmark, no less! Also, ornaments, towels and make up kits. All slashed cheap for me.
Then the Great Recession happened. First year, the stores cut their prices before Christmas even came. They had a huge inventory they had planned to purchase based on the year before. They had to get rid of it in a hurry, because no one was buying it. The country was still in shock from the economy. So the after Christmas sales were damaged that year, all the deals to be had were gone before Christmas had even come and gone! The next year, the stores were scared, so they did not purchase as much inventory as the year before, and once again, they lowered the prices before Christmas was even over. This year remains to be seen. As usual, inventory is very low. No store wants to get stuck with anything again.
Of course, I was headed out the day after Christmas years ago, with high hopes. My middle daughter, having seen the bargains I was getting, wanted to come along. All for passing down the tradition, I took her. We were disappointed that first year, having nothing to choose from, but we enjoyed being together. The next year, we were really disappointed, but again, enjoyed out outing anyway. She is really big on Hallmark fan. We will see what this holds. Maybe we will do Hallmark only and then enjoy a nice breakfast together!

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