I have been reading some interesting things in my “Writing Fiction” textbook. Most interesting for me is the tips on breaching the “writers block” we all seem to have.
When I was younger, I used to love to read and write. Stories flowed onto the paper. My mom kept many of these (really awful) stories for me. She even kept my rejection letter from a very kind publisher, who took the time to reply to my submission. Said manuscript was dutifully submitted on lined notebook paper, written in pencil and tied at the edges with a purple hair ribbon.
As we age though, many of us former writers, let life suck the stories out of us. We are so busy surviving; we don’t take the time to document what is happening in our lives. Really, we just want sleep! Oh, we have some stories to tell, but rushing to work, cook dinner and raise a family leave me too exhausted to care who hears my stories. Not to mention the fact that, I have lost my ability to use adjectives. My style of communication has diminished to barking short commands that can be followed by three year olds or emotional tearful rants on how I am coming apart.
As my children get older, I have not found more time to write, but taking a class seemed a good way to get the juices going again. I have been told I can tell a good story, verbally, but do I have the ability to put my stories down on paper? (To use the term loosely, as I am on a computer). That remains to be seen.